I apologize in advance if you get a song stuck in your head but that's what this week's blog is about.

Ear worm: an ear worm refers to any song that is so catchy, and at the same time extremely annoying, that it feels like a worm has crawled into your ear and eaten the intelligent parts of your brain so that you hum the song all day long, no matter how much you hate it.

I got this definition from Urban Dictionary and I love this , it describes it beautifully. I hate ear worms and I know you do too. As much as 99% of us are affected by ear worms. It drives us crazy constantly repeating a same part of the song and it makes us hate the song and never want to listen to it again, yet while you're reading this, you're thinking of some song that you know you will regret that you thought it.  Isn't it the worst when you have an ear worm but you don't know what song it is? You just know a section of the song, most likely the chorus and you just keep on repeating it in your head. Sometimes you become so lazy that you don't bother on searching up the song so you just become insane.

Ear worms can actually cause brain damage and make you insane. Who knew this can be so serious? Ear worms are very dangerous because if you tell your friends that you have a song stuck in your head, it might get stuck in their head too and you won't have any friends left. 

When songs get stuck in my head it is usually just one line over and over again, and sometimes I can't remember the words so I'm just making sounds from my mouth but not really making any sense. For me, Disney songs seem to stick. "A Whole New World," and "One Jump Ahead," from Aladdin are very catchy, and I can hum all day long. Recent songs like "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen and "Single Ladies," by Beyonce. We all remember, "Brand New Chick," by Anjulie. That song was horrible but horribly catchy. Britney Spear songs also tend to stick to your mind.

Here are some more songs that just might make you crazy:
-"...Baby One More Time" - Britney Spears
- "Hey Ya!" - OutKast
- "Toxic"- Britney Spears
- "I want It That Way"- The Backstreet Boys
- "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" - Eiffel 65 (stuck in my head right now)

Here is a video I found on Youtube which is another list of very catchy songs that I haven't said except for one. 
4/11/2013 11:52:21 pm

That definition of an Ear worm is hilarious! I can't even count how many times I've got an annoying song stuck in my head! Most of the time a barely know any of the lyrics and the song still plays over and over in my head!


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